OnTheClock.com, LLC Apps

OnTheClock - Employee Time Clock 4.3.4
Our cloud-based employee time clock system is a convenient waytotrack employees’ time and have time cards automaticallygeneratedat the end of your workweek so they are ready for payroll.•Trusted by more than 10,000 companies • No software installation•Supports Android and iOS • Every sign up automatically receivesa30-day free trial with OnTheClock.com • Free time clockservicesfor 2 or fewer employees We designed a seamless time clockapp tohelp small businesses with their employee time tracking needswhileproducing accurate time cards and reducing payroll expenses.Knowwho is always clocked in/out and from where they punchedin/outwith live time updates. Our app holds employees accountablefortheir hours worked and gives the business owner a peace ofmind.Sign up and start saving your business time and money. TimeClockFeatures: ⏰ • PTO tracking • Employee shift scheduling • Easytimecard editing • Overtime calculation • Geo-Fencing & GPS toknowwhere employees are punching in/out • IP and devicerestrictions toprevent buddy punching • Biometric/Fingerprintoption for clockingin/out • Payroll integration • Automation, paidbreaks andreminders • Automatic break deduction options • Tips,bonuses andcommissions • Job and Project costing • Track holidayand vacationtime along with sick and personal days • Group punchoption toallow quick punching for employees using a single computer• Assignjob departments for specific employees • Export data viaExcel orPDF • Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly and semi-monthly payperiodsGeneral time tracking settings and options for employees toclockin and clock out: ⚙️ Employees are able to clock in and out bytheuse of a smartphone, tablet, desktop and/or laptop.Administratorson the account have the authority to set and limithow they wouldlike their employees to punch in/out and even addassigned GPSlocations or IP addresses. Specific restrictions can beset whetherthe employee is working from the office or remotely.CustomerSupport: 🌝 Our Customer Service Team is top-notch andalways happyto assist you with your employee time clock needs. Youcan alsoschedule a live demo with a Customer Support Representativethatwill walk you through every step of setting up your account soitfits your company's personal needs. Phone: 888-753-5999Email:support@ontheclock.com Security: 🔒 • 256 Bit SSL encryption •Allsensitive information encrypted at database level • Biometriclockon web and database servers • Data is automatically backedupnightly Reliability: 👍 • We have demonstrated 99.999% uptime -lessthan 5 minutes of downtime per year • Our service isconstantlymonitored for issues or failures by a third partymonitoringservice - siteuptime.com